La settimana santa a Enna

In the period before Easter, the city of Enna in Sicily relives its ancient traditions handed down now for over four centuries. Good Friday is the day when Enna commemorates the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The citizens live an atmosphere of genuine collective mourning attending what’s called “clash” between the mother and the son, each on their “vare” (floats). Thus the crowd intensely live the loss of Mater Dolorosa (Latin for Our Lady of Sorrows) and share with her, in mystical silence, the pain.
Thanks to #sicilianinsta and to Collegio dei Rettori delle Confraternite di Enna we had the privilege to attend the dressing, ancient ritual that prepares the members of the brotherhood to the penance walk through the city, moved by their incredible devotion.



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